Saturday, 12 May 2012

teekay's gods own wayand tours and travels

           Teekay’s……     ….      
God’s own wayanad                                      Tours & Travels                                                                               MEENAGADI Wayana d-673591                                                                                                                          Ph: 04936-247957, 9744001916, 9567166197,9895959562

  We are proudly welcome to wayanad. Ask us why visit wayanad, and we would give you the same reasons that fueled our dreams at wayanad.

                 A climate that parallels any hill section, yet giving you that joy of basking in suitable, warm sunlight green, as far as your eyes reach, intermittent, hills and valleys
                Skies blue and gentle mist that wraps on your every moves. Birds, breeze and flowing water-together in musical harmony.

    Always we try to provide the maximum level of service to our guests. We are assuring that we shall make your moments in Wayanad as a remarkable experience, if you are willing to be our guests.

God’s own wayanad
Tours & Travels


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